Healing Harp

Healing Harp

Live harp music for healing and life transitions.

When I woke up in the recovery room after having surgery on my foot, Barbara Rose was there playing the harp for me. I had such a peaceful recovery waking up to the sounds of the healing harp’s melody.  I was not frightened or in shock.  As I continued to heal in the next few weeks, the sounds of the harp made it possible for me to wean off the pain medication and to have peace of mind and serenity.”

~ Stephanie L., San Rafael, CA

“To a beautiful harpist...Though I don’t know your name, I want to express my gratitude…My daughter gave birth to a baby boy at five months into her pregnancy.  He did not make it into this life. While she was in the recovery room and we were all feeling great sadness, you came in and asked in such a gentle way if we’d like some music. We nodded--and felt as if angels were surrounding us as you played the perfect choices of songs  It was as if you’d been sent on a special mission to help move the baby’s spirit on its journey.--Your music was comforting, healing and so beautiful. You glided from the room as quietly as you’d entered--when I walked into the hallway to thank you, you were not there. This note is many weeks late...but I’ve thought of the blessings you gave to all of us through your music most every day since. Thank you…”

- A.W. Santa Rosa, CA 

(Sent in a letter to Marin General Hospital, currently MarinHealth Medical Center)

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